Humbug Art
View Humbug Art venue information including directions and parking.
Explore the wonders of eco-friendly jesmonite and create your own jewellery and trinket tray with artist and maker Caroline Coates from Creative Coati using a variety of geometric moulds.
Jesmonite is a versatile material that will create a different outcome every time – you’ll learn how to weigh it, mix it, add colours and textural effects to create something unique to you.
Caroline will share tips, trade secrets and techniques to achieve a perfect finish, using jewellery findings to complete your compositions (all materials provided). Take home two pieces of your own designed unique works of wearable art as well as a trinket tray.
View Humbug Art venue information including directions and parking.
This workshop is suitable for complete beginners or for those looking to refresh their skills.
All materials and equipment are supplied for this workshop and are included in the price.
Tea and coffee will be available at the workshop and you are welcome to bring along your own refreshments.